In an era of rapid and unprecedented change, it becomes a challenge for TVET institutions and Assessment Centers to keep up with quality TVET in the Philippines that constantly pursue excellence. Thus, in recognition of the emerging Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), the changing skill sets of the 21st century and the changing and fast-paced demands in TVET, one must learn to adapt to new technologies and innovation, comply with government rules and regulations while ensuring quality performance in the TVET delivery and processes.
Assess regularly the effectiveness of doctrines, discard old and irrelevant facets of the system while learning to adapt new policies that help the system achieve its full potential without sacrificing quality. Simultaneously, such actions increase the quantity of those who enroll in TVET schools and producing well-educated, globally-competitive graduates. As skill requirements continue to adapt, so must we be able to develop in anticipation of a more digital and mechanized world.
Plenary Highlights
The speakers share in plenary session their insights on TESDA updates, taxation of educational institutions, systems ad procedures in the educational setting and STAR rating program.

Acknowledgment of 2019 NCR Regional Skills Competition Champions from PMMS District
The TESDA PaMaMariSan District presents to the association members the Regional Skills Competition winners, champions and their coaches from the district’s participating TVIs. The awardees participated in various trade areas of the skills competition.

Presentation of 2019 STAR Awardee
The TESDA PaMaMariSan District gives proper acknowledgment to the first and only private TVI, the Gateways Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) to receive one-star rating in the recently concluded 2019 STAR Awards.

Business Meeting
The member schools and assessment centers of the PaMaMariSan district actively attend the conduct of the annual general membership meeting that includes the president’s and treasurer’s reports, and induction of members.

The Secretariat and the Association Members
Photos in action: the board members of the association that pro-actively organized this year’s conference. The entire PMMS TVSA members are in here, too.

Ms. Eloisa P. Tinio
Business Deve’t Director, AGC Development Corp.
Teresa Pabalan Ang
VP for External Linkages, La Concordia College